Thursday, December 6, 2007
His new game
Blah Blah Blah Blah
One day Evan picked up the phone, pushed some buttons and placed it under his chin. He started to chatter and walk around the house. He has now started to parrot what I do. I could not stop laughing and made many international calls boasting of my brilliant son. Then it hit me, am I on the phone too often? Oh Lord....
That's my boy!
Where's B sharp?
Poor Fatty Kat
I don't need no stinkin' clothes
This is how Evan takes a bath--Daddy style
It was a sad sad day
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Evan's Halloween
I went back and forth on deciding if I should get Evan a Halloween costume. Being only a year-old, we weren't going around the block and he'd not be comfortable in anything over his head. But on the other hand, he would be greeting the Trick or Treaters. On the other hand, he'll only be doing it for an hour. On the other hand, where's my Halloween spirit?! As I continually argued with myself, coming up with reasons why I should and shouldn't, time made the decision for me. It was All-hallow's Eve before I knew it and Evan was still without a costume.

At 5p, Ah mah and I decided to take a stroll around the block and we put Evan in his bear jacket. Daddy came up with the brilliant idea of making him a cape. (I know, I know...choking hazard). Of course Daddy wasn't about to share his Jaws cape, and tied Evan's blue blanket around his neck loosely. The result was Super Bear in jeans!
Evan appreciated his blanket and was snugging up to it through out the entire walk. He was having a good time.
He did find the candy. He especially enjoyed the Snickers bars as they were easy to hold and were squishy. Although Evan did not get to eat the candy, he managed to squeeze many Snickers bars. I now have many malformed Snickers bars all over my house. It will be hard to explain to future guest what the small, brown, poo-like things around my living room are.....
At 5p, Ah mah and I decided to take a stroll around the block and we put Evan in his bear jacket. Daddy came up with the brilliant idea of making him a cape. (I know, I know...choking hazard). Of course Daddy wasn't about to share his Jaws cape, and tied Evan's blue blanket around his neck loosely. The result was Super Bear in jeans!
Mommy's little helper
Mr. Wiggle Man
does not like to be carried but needs to know what Mommy is doing in the kitchen. At meal times, while I prepare his food, he helps me re-organize his food cabinet. I like to separate the fruits and the veggies. (fruits on the left, veggies on the right). He prefers a medley of jars, on the floor, in front of him.

Fall is finally here!!
Being the curious kitty that she is, Patty decided to join us by our white picket fence (yes...cheesy I know, but the fence came with the house when we bought it)
Surprisingly, Evan chose not to lovingly whack her.
Although Evan is now walking all over the house, he doesn't do well with shoes on. He can stand uncertainly for a short period but it usually ends up in a squat.
Friday, October 19, 2007
How to be a good parent. Step 1# Put a wig on your kid
Evan is 1!!
On Sunday, Oct 14,"Ah mah" flew from Malaysia, Aunt Wendy and Baylee drove down from upstate New York, Auntie Sze Lin got a car and drove in from Jersey and Gramma and Papa came by for the afternoon for a little birthday celebration.
Evan's birthday cake was made by Auntie Sze Lin. Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. Needless to say, there is none left. I enjoyed it very....I mean, Evan enjoyed his cake very much. Thank you! Next time, we'll have to take a picture of Sze Lin since she's been mentioned in two postings now!
Evan enjoys his new car. He loves moving the gears, spinning the wheels, pulling on the antenna. The only problem is....he doesn't know how to get off it yet--he either get's assistance or rolls off!
Evan Oliver Twist Lawrence: "Please sir... can I have some more? "
Daddy, can I have some of this "horse derves?"
More Evan Brithday pictures
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Evan at 11 months
I apologize for not updating Evan's site. As a PR agent, I'm not doing a very good job. I blame the computer and trojan horses and those thingees that make computers stop working right.
By 11 months Evan coast frequently across the house and "knee-walks." It's slower that crawling but it keeps his hands free for his sippy cup or the remote control.
It was cold September afternoon when I dressed Evan in his warmer gear. The results made me cry. I called Jim at work, sobbing that my baby is now a little boy. It startled me.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Evan's Beach Trip Take 2
Day #2: He woke up happy. Since we had all the stuff already packed in the car, we took off as early as we could--11am
We were suppose to join Jack and Ana at the Jersey shore this week. However, for precautionary reasons, we opted to stay back in Connecticut. After much contemplation (Evan already had a pair of adorable swim shorts, it would be a shame), we decided to take a trip down to Rocky Neck State Park for the morning.
He wasn't a fan of the cold water at first and would not let go of Daddy. He was not a happy camper and wanted land
Once he got in the shade, he held on to me and would not let go. He would stand up, walk around but always with a tight grip on my shirt. It's a wonder he didn't expose his mother to the public. Too many new sights and sounds I suppose.

Eventually, he settled down and had his lunch, drank plenty of juice and discovered the Long Island Sound. By the time we were ready to leave, he didn't want his hat or Mommy in the water with him. It was waist deep for him but he wasn't bothered and was ready to explore the waves--on his own. For a final treat, he got to go into the women's showers for a quick splash. While in there, several ladies stopped to smile to coo at him. I told him to enjoy it while he can since he will not get such a reception in 15 years time....
Thank you to Auntie Sze Lin for his Batik turtle beach gear. He looked the part. LOL
We were suppose to join Jack and Ana at the Jersey shore this week. However, for precautionary reasons, we opted to stay back in Connecticut. After much contemplation (Evan already had a pair of adorable swim shorts, it would be a shame), we decided to take a trip down to Rocky Neck State Park for the morning.

Eventually, he settled down and had his lunch, drank plenty of juice and discovered the Long Island Sound. By the time we were ready to leave, he didn't want his hat or Mommy in the water with him. It was waist deep for him but he wasn't bothered and was ready to explore the waves--on his own. For a final treat, he got to go into the women's showers for a quick splash. While in there, several ladies stopped to smile to coo at him. I told him to enjoy it while he can since he will not get such a reception in 15 years time....

Thank you to Auntie Sze Lin for his Batik turtle beach gear. He looked the part. LOL
Evan's Beach Trip take 1
Since it was his first trip, I wasn't sure of what to bring. I packed up the whole house, woke up a grumpy Evan, lathered him up in baby sunblock and dressed him, hat and all, had Jim load the car, went hunting for a beach umbrella and got as far as to the highway before we turned back home. By the time we were ready, it was already noon, he was hungry and we had made it to the end of our ropes.

Friday, July 20, 2007
Hazy days of summer
Blue Blanket Generation II
Like his father, Evan has a blue blanket he buries his face in before he goes to sleep. These pictures were taken after his evening bath. I was trying to settle him down but he had other things in mind. Barely dressed, with binky in mouth, he decided that he and his blue blanket were going for a trip into the living room to play a little more.
I tried to take away his blanket since he was dragging it all over the floor, but the kid has an iron grip. I give up easily I suppose. But if you've heard his yells, you might do the same too. His volume options are loud and louder. There is no mute button on him.
I tried to take away his blanket since he was dragging it all over the floor, but the kid has an iron grip. I give up easily I suppose. But if you've heard his yells, you might do the same too. His volume options are loud and louder. There is no mute button on him.

He's made a friend...his name is Evan!
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