Everyday, Evan brings his cups into his tubby and practices the technique of Teh Tarik (literally translates to pulled tea) I am comforted to know that if all else fails, Evan has a future in this art of making tea.

Teh tarik is a type of tea which can be bought in Malaysia . The main ingredients are tea and condensed milk. In Malaysia, there are also occasions where teh tarik brewers gather for competitions and performances to show their skills in making this drink.
This tea is special in that it is prepared using a unique technique. The tea is poured from a hand held high into a container held in a hand below. The tea is poured back and forth in this manner to create a thick froth. Aside from cooling down the tea to drinking temperatures, it is believed that this method mixes the tea with the condensed milk more thoroughly.

Perhaps next year I'll sign him up for the novice competition? He still misses the cup once in a while....