Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Early Evan

to think... he was tinier than he is today
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Food fight

He doesn't like pears!!
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his morning routine

Every morning, he crawls backwards and plays by himself. Every morning, when I walk in, he looks up and smiles at me. And I think, there isn't anything in this world as perfect as he is.
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Roll over

Since he figured out that he likes sleeping on his tummy, he rolls over the moment I put him to bed.
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he's not satisfied with crawling

He's pulling himself up in his crib. Jim will have to lower the mattress soon. Maybe tomorrow.
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my baby

Sometimes, he looks up at me and I wish so hard I could stay home with him--up until he starts to think on his own and I start to wonder what I was thinking of when I wrote this.
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The past 2 months Evan's been trying very hard to move forward. Up until recently, he had only discovered his reverse gear. One day, he stopped just rocking back and forth and started to crawl forward. Little hands and feet moving forward. And sometimes he runs over his bear.
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Every morning, Evan wakes up on his own and plays not-too-quitely in his crib. When I finally get there, he would have rolled and crawled to the edge of the crib. This morning, he had propped himself up and was happily gnawing on his family of fish.
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