Thursday, February 28, 2008

And he had nothing but the radio on....

**Marilyn Monroe posed without clothes
For a backroom calendar
One of those

The nation was shocked
Mama called her a sleaze
But she sold a million calendars
And tripled her fees
She was just starting and a little naïve

But when the press asked her,
'Hon, what did you have on?'
Would you believe she said,
'I had nothin' but the radio on

nothin' but the radio on
nothin' but the radio on
would you believe they were playing the sweetest song...
nothin' but the radio on

**from the musical revival NBS

And so it starts

As he gets older, the more inquisitive he gets. Whatever we are eating, he has to try it out. Whatever we're drinking, he has to have a taste. He saw Daddy's sippy-cup...

And wasn't shy about trying to get his hands on it....

my favourite things

I bought Evan his first set of blocks. It was the best $10 I spent in a while. He removed all the blocks from the huge plastic box it came in, and proceeded to make himself comfortable in it.

It was quite comfy....

I name my big one Bitey!

He's a chomper! Jim has teeth marks up his arm and I have a few to show off as well. However, Papa's story has the most "bite" to it.

Baylee's birthday bash

Baylee's 3rd birthday was spent at Kid city. We all went with clean socks on!

Using his membership, he invited us into this exclusive establishment as his "guest."

Next Year Maybe....


Evan now has very curly hair. It is at it's best right after his nap when it has a mind of its own.
Evan had his second hair cut a few weeks ago at Styles by Joan. He was a fantastic customer up until the tiny hairs started to gather inside his wool sweater (bad planning/ dressing on the parents' parts.) and he began to itch. But for the most part, he did use his "inside voice."

As it is necessary until his 18th birthday, he had an audience again. Gramma and Papa came over to Joan's to witness this momentous occasion

Morning Snugs

Lately, Evan has become a great snuggler. It feels so lovely to hug him and inhale his little boy scent (after his diaper change). It is just wonderful.
*fast forward 30mins*
Then, I lose all feeling in my arm from his increasing weight and have to peel off a screaming toddler that has wrapped his little legs around my waist.
In the mornings, he loves to be cuddled and wrapped with his blue blanket. With Mama bear by his side, he watches Baby Einstein with a sleepy-too-early-in-the-morning-Daddy.

And then I have to go to work, jealous that Jim gets to stay with him.

Dueling cousins

Cousin Baylee recently had her birthday in Connecticut and the Bordwells stayed at the Lohrences.

"psstt.... while we got Pop distracted, wanna take a spin in his car?"

My buddy and me

Mommy has Rascal, Daddy has Blue Blanket. Evan has "Aspen bear." He often takes his bears (there's another) for walks around the house. Usually, the challenge is to have 2 bears and the sippy cup. Something he hasn't figured out yet--but trying hard.