Thursday, July 26, 2007

Evan's Beach Trip Take 2

Day #2: He woke up happy. Since we had all the stuff already packed in the car, we took off as early as we could--11am

We were suppose to join Jack and Ana at the Jersey shore this week. However, for precautionary reasons, we opted to stay back in Connecticut. After much contemplation (Evan already had a pair of adorable swim shorts, it would be a shame), we decided to take a trip down to Rocky Neck State Park for the morning.
He wasn't a fan of the cold water at first and would not let go of Daddy. He was not a happy camper and wanted land

Once he got in the shade, he held on to me and would not let go. He would stand up, walk around but always with a tight grip on my shirt. It's a wonder he didn't expose his mother to the public. Too many new sights and sounds I suppose.

Eventually, he settled down and had his lunch, drank plenty of juice and discovered the Long Island Sound. By the time we were ready to leave, he didn't want his hat or Mommy in the water with him. It was waist deep for him but he wasn't bothered and was ready to explore the waves--on his own. For a final treat, he got to go into the women's showers for a quick splash. While in there, several ladies stopped to smile to coo at him. I told him to enjoy it while he can since he will not get such a reception in 15 years time....

Thank you to Auntie Sze Lin for his Batik turtle beach gear. He looked the part. LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hie sharon cheche...i am so proud to be a aunty to that adorable creature...he can inherit my title of u go on msn?